About the AWC Magazine - Issue 29 Download
This issue of the American Window Cleaner magazine is all about extension poles! Brite-Way's Russ Rigdon recommends the best extension poles in terms of efficiency and durability. Sunshine Window Cleaning's Bill Lussenheide describes the different kinds of extension poles he uses. Lussenheide also talks about using both metal and wooden poles and the pros and cons of each. In terms of pole methodology and not material, Window Cleaning Company's Steven Welling provides several different cleaning techniques.
Gary Mauer instructs how to use angle adaptors and rotating handles on your extension pole along with a step-by-step artwork guide provided by Ettore. Aside from learning how to use extension poles and what kinds there are, you can also learn about the history! Henry M. Unger details the extension pole's evolution throughout the years, talking about its storied history and how it became the pole we know and love today.
The master of glass Henry Grover, Jr. addresses the optical surface of window glass's transformations and how to treat it. Window washer Steve Cowell laments the fear of many window cleaners: the answer may surprise you! Ken Raddon continues to expand upon his last article regarding handling a homeowner and remaining professional towards your clients. Publisher Rich Fabry proposes some additional physical activities to add to your window cleaning routine to stay healthy.
- Which extension poles you should use and why
- Why optimism is key to window cleaning success
- How to properly deal with homeowners
- Learn different methods for cleaning using extension poles