TacMed Australia brings to Australia NA Rescue's Public Access Bleeding Control Station 8-Pack which includes eight (8) Individual Bleeding Control Kits that are contained inside of an easy-to-open nylon carrying case.
The first minutes following a traumatic injury are crucial in saving a life. Uncontrolled bleeding can result in death within minutes–even before emergency medical services or other emergency responders can arrive.
The North American Rescue (NAR) Public Access Bleeding Control (PABC) 8-Pack is designed to provide bystanders and initial first responders with quick and easy access inside an easy to open a nylon carrying case. Also included is one (1) NAR Responder QuikLitter used for moving injured casualties.
- Designed to provide bystanders and initial first responders with quick and easy access to essential medical equipment for stopping life-threatening bleeding
- Includes eight (8) Individual Bleeding Control Kits that are contained inside of an easy-to-open carrying case
- Included is one (1) NAR QuikLitter used for moving injured casualties
- The rugged storage case provides both physical and environmental protection.
- Each Individual Bleeding Control Kit contains intuitive and easy-to-use tools proven to help to save lives such as the most effective, easiest to use, fastest to apply C-A-T Tourniquet and the HyFin Compact Vent Twin Pack.
The Basic version of the NAR PABC 8-Pack provides 8 complete kits containing life saving bleeding control equipment such as tourniquets, pressure dressings and gauze bandages and puts them into the hands of the public to help control bleeding and save lives. It also includes the NAR QuikLitter™ for moving injured casualties.
Includes all equipment found in the Basic PABC 8-Pack with each of the 8 complete kits also containing the added capability to treat penetrating chest wounds with the HyFin Vent Compact Chest Seal Twin Pack (for entrance and exit wounds).